Wednesday 26 May 2021

International day of Peacekeepers- free academic resources

29th May is international day of peacekeeping. Find out why in this UN page

United Nations Peacekeeping

Is a basic starting point includes info graphics and data

on all current and past peacekeeping missions involving the UN. Includes statistics on costs, deployment, personnel and fatalities.

United Nations Geospatial Information Section

Free access to world and regional maps. Includes thematic maps of UN peacekeeping

Global Peace Operations Review 

Maintained by New York University Center for International Cooperation. Provides free access to in-depth analysis and data on military peacekeeping operations and civilian-led political missions by the United Nations, regional organisations worldwide.

SIPRI Databases

Stockholm International Peace Research Institute maintains quality databases which include:

Multilateral Peace Operations Database –contains information on all peace operations conducted since 2000.not currently online but the website has research papers and news.

MILINDA - Military and Non-Military Interventions Dataset 1947-2016

Margarita S. Studemeister Digital Collections in International Conflict Management

Free access to a wealth of full text resources maintained by the United States Institute for Peace (USIP). They include: a peace agreements collection which has the text of all major documents ending civil and inter-state wars since 1989; 

Air University Library Index to Military Periodicals

Free access to this subject index to English language journal articles and news items from over 60 journals published since 1987.