Wednesday 15 May 2019

Health reports 13-17th May 2019

Integrating health and social care: State or Market? IEA

Investing in quality: The contribution of large charities to shaping future health and care- Commissioned by the National Garden Scheme, this report explores how the work of the National Garden Scheme and its beneficiaries fits within the context of the future of policy development in health and care.

Incisive Health
Care deserts: the impact of a dysfunctional market in adult social care provision

Voluntary Organisations Disability Group
Above and beyond: how voluntary sector providers of disability support add value to communities

Monday 13 May 2019

Economic reports 13-17th May 2019

The soaring costs of government pensions  Intergenerational Foundation.

Growing Pains The impact of leaving education during a recession on earnings and employment Resolution Foundation.

Inequalities in the twenty-first century Introducing the IFS Deaton Review

Investigation into penalty charge notices in healthcare National Audit Office.

Decent Work - Local government and wages in the North- IPPR

British Chambers of Commerce Quarterly Recruitment outlook

Local indicators of child poverty, 2017/18Summary of estimates of child poverty in small areas of Great Britain, 2017/18 Loughborough University

Hitting reset a case for local leadership in economic development Localis.

Think Small - A blueprint for supporting UK small businesses Centre for Policy Studies

Government reports 13-17th May 2019

House of CommonsTreasury Committee Consumers’ access to financial services

Changing Lives:the social impact of participation in culture and sport House of Commons Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee

House of Commons Committee of Public Accounts Local Government Governance and Accountability 

House of Commons Science and Technology Committee Japanese knotweed andthe built environment

Economic Affairs Committee Rethinking High Speed 2.House of Lords

Managing the BBC’s pay-bill National Audit Office