Thursday 10 December 2020

New covid social science reports december 2020

Build back fairer: the Covid-19 Marmot review

The role of the Leeds Neighbourhood Networks during the COVID-19 pandemic

Local listening: fears and concerns about Covid-19 vaccination Kings Fund

COVID-19 and the impact on low income and disadvantaged families Children in Wales

Vulnerable children and young people survey: summary of returns waves 1 to 10. Dept for Education

Annex A: COVID-19 vaccine and health inequalities: considerations for prioritisation and implementation Dept of Health

One size does not fit all: moving towards delivering culturally competent services. Health watch Enfield This report looks at the impact of coronavirus on local black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) communities across Enfield. A key lesson from this report is that specific community groups used different services in different ways, and as a result had different views about the support they need.

Coronavirus and me: experiences of children from Black, Asian and minority ethnic groups in Wales.Children's Commissioner for Wales, 2020

The impact of the coronavirus pandemic on child welfare: online abuse- NSPCC

Living through lockdown: reflections and recommendations from young people at risk of serious violence. Redthread, StreetDoctors and MAC-UK

The end of lockdown?: the last six months in the lives of families raising disabled children. Family Fund

The geographic impact of the pandemic on household spending IFS